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Structure and Administration


The Church of God (Seventh Day) is duly incorporated and registered in Jamaica with offices at 65 Carawina Avenue Kingston 20. It is affiliated with The General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) Denver Colorado and is also a member of the International Ministerial Congress.

The official form of the church government is congregational which means that the highest regulatory body of the Church is Conference in Session. General directives including the election of Executive Board Members are done periodically by Conference in session. The Executive Board is drawn from the ranks of those who are faithful to the church and includes at least four Ministers holding valid licenses or credentials with the Conference. The Executive Board exercises all the powers and duties of the conference when it is not in session except the amendment of the constitution and bylaws.


The officers of the Executive Board are:

- Chairman
- Vice Chairman
- Secretary
- Treasurer


Conference appointed officers assist with the general administration and direction of the churches. These appointees include:

- Pastors
- Evangelists
- Missionaries


The Executive Board makes these appointments after examination and approval by the License and Credential Committee. The Executive Board also makes appointments such as Heads of Departments and Ministries and does placement and assignment of the Officers within the conference as considered necessary.


Pastors are supported by Deacons, Church Committees and other lead Local Churches

Offices in local churches include:

- Church Secretaries
- Church Treasurers
- Sabbath School Superintendents
- Missionary/Evangelism Department Leaders
- Faithful Youth Challengers (F.Y.C.) Department Leaders
- Ministries/Departments representatives




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