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The Church of God (Seventh Day) exists to make disciples of men from all nations, edifying and equipping them for service in the establishment of the Kingdom of God. The Great Commission (Matt.28:18-20) is the main point of reference with special emphasis on the promise made by Jesus that he would be with his followers to the end of the age. The Great Commission places a significant level of responsibility on the Church and to that extent the question of accountability naturally arises.

The responsibility to fulfill this mission is shared. This is substantiated by the fact that in the Church, God by His Spirit has bestowed gifts, which are for the work of the ministry, the edifying of the Body and for the perfecting of the saints. There are diversities of gifts, there are diversities of ministries and there are diversities of effects. These all function in one Body, there are different abilities, different functions, different responsibilities but one Body. The gifts are compared with members of the human body. No member of the human body is insignificant. In fact the scriptures inform that those members that seem less honourable are the objects of special attention so that they may improve in honour or comeliness.

The priority therefore is the overall appearance and functionality of the body as a whole. Ministries and departments are established in the Church to provide opportunities for the utilization of gifts, for the well-being of the Body. They have different responsibilities, different programmes, different committees but they are a part of one Body. Individual ministries/departments operate for the common good of the Body (the Church). Each is significant and has an important role to play and none is better than the other.

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